
COREBORN coreborn

Patch Notes 2023-08-22

Friends and inhabitants of Tormentosia: it’s patch time! We’ll be at Gamescom all week in the Indie Arena Booth and for those that will be present, we can’t wait to see you. For everyone — attending or at home — we do offer this Gamescom Patch to bring many, many great features and changes for all of you!

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Patch Notes 2023-08-09

We hope you are having a wonderful day, dearest Coreborn! We have returned with, of course, a fresh bunch of fixes and improvements to you to test and enjoy! Patch number five is a go!

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Patch Notes 2023-08-01

It’s about that time, everyone! We’re happy to bring you our FOURTH patch update! As per usual, we’ve included some updates that are based on your feedback to improve your quality-of-life in Ambros!

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Patch Notes 2023-07-26

We happily announce our next patch, packed with new content, optimizations, and bug fixes to enhance your gaming experience like never before. All your feedback has been instrumental in shaping this update, and we cannot wait for you to dive in!

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Devlog April 2023

April 2023 was a busy month for the Coreborn: Nations of the Ultracore development team. This monthly developer update will discuss all the new features and changes developed last month. We’ll also look at what’s coming up in the next few months and how you can get involved in helping shape our future releases. So let’s dive in and see what Coreborn: Nations of the Ultracore has been up to this past month!

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Beginning of a journey

Dear Journal!  It’s grande we finally meet! You know… Me writing into you. You listening (as if you had a choice and weren’t just an

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Devlog March 2023

Keep up to date with the development of Coreborn: Nations of the Ultracore! Our monthly devlogs provide insight into our game’s progress, previews, and exclusive content. Join us in creating an immersive world for gamers to explore

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